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I wrote, with the help of The Art of Java by Herbert Schildt and James Holmes, a custom parser that evaluates a numerical expression like: "10+32/2".  So the following is the code:

package com.soliduscode.eleanya;

import java.util.logging.Handler;

 * @author ukaku
public class Parser {

 final int NONE =0;
 final int DELIMITER =1;
 final int VARIABLE = 2;
 final int NUMBER = 3;
 final int SYNTAX = 0;
 final int UNBALPARENS=1;
 final int NOEXP = 2;
 final int DIVBYZERO=3;
 final String EOE = "\0";
 /**the expression*/
 private String exp;
 /** expression index */
 private int expIndex;
 /**Current token*/
 private String token;
 /**The token type*/
 private int tokenType;
  * Return the next token in the expression
 private void getToken(){
  //clear values initially
  tokenType = NONE;
  token = "";
  //check for endl of expression
  if(expIndex == exp.length()){
   token = EOE;
  //skip over white spaces
  while(expIndex < exp.length() && Character.isWhitespace(exp.charAt(expIndex))) ++expIndex;
  //trailing white spaces ends expression
  if(expIndex == exp.length()){
   token = EOE;
   token += exp.charAt(expIndex);
   tokenType = DELIMITER;
  }else if(Character.isLetter(exp.charAt(expIndex))){
   while(expIndex < exp.length() && !isDelimiter(exp.charAt(expIndex))){
    if(expIndex >= exp.length()) break;
   tokenType = VARIABLE;
  }else if(Character.isDigit(exp.charAt(expIndex))){
   while(expIndex < exp.length() &&  !isDelimiter(exp.charAt(expIndex))){
    token += exp.charAt(expIndex);
    if(expIndex > exp.length()) break;
   tokenType = NUMBER;
   token = EOE;
  * Returns the value of the expression
  * @param expstr  the expression to evaulate
  * @return    the value of the expression
  * @throws ParserException
 public double evaluate(String expstr) throws ParserException {
  double result;
  exp = expstr;//+"  ";
  expIndex= 0;
   handleError(NOEXP); //no expression present
  result = evaluateAdditionSubstraction();
  return result;
 private double evaluateAdditionSubstraction() throws ParserException{
  char op;
  double result;
  double partialResult;
  result = evaluateMultDivMod();
  while((op = token.charAt(0)) == '+' || op == '-'){
   partialResult = evaluateMultDivMod();
   case '-':
    result = result - partialResult;
   case '+':
    result = result + partialResult;
  return result; 
 private double evaluateMultDivMod() throws ParserException {
  char op;
  double result;
  double partialResult;
  result = evaluteExponent();
  while((op = token.charAt(0)) == '*' ||op == '/' || op == '%'){
   partialResult = evaluteExponent();
   case '*':
    result = result * partialResult;
   case '/':
    if(partialResult == 0.0){
    result = result / partialResult;
   case '%':
    if(partialResult == 0.0)
    result = result % partialResult;
  return result;
 //process exponent
 private double evaluteExponent() throws ParserException{
  double result;
  double partialResult;
  double ex;
  int t;
  result = evaluateUnary();
   partialResult = evaluteExponent();
   ex = result;
   if(partialResult == 0.0){
    result = 1.0;
    for(t=(int)partialResult-1; t>0; t--){
     result = result * ex;
  return result;
 //evaluate a unarry + or -
 private double evaluateUnary() throws ParserException{
  double result;
  String op;
  if((tokenType == DELIMITER) && token.equals("+") || token.equals("-")){
   op = token;
   getToken(); //get the other unary
  result = evaluateParenthesis();
  if(op.equals("-")) result = -result;
  return result;
 //process parenthesized expression
 private double evaluateParenthesis() throws ParserException{
  double result;
   result = evaluateAdditionSubstraction();
   result = atom();
  return result;
 //get the value of a number
 private double atom() throws ParserException {
  double result = 0.0;
  case NUMBER:
    result = Double.parseDouble(token);
   }catch(NumberFormatException exc){
  return result;
  private void handleError(int error) throws ParserException {
   String[] e = { "Syntax Error",
     "nbalanced parentheses",
     "No Expression Present",
     "Division by zero"
   throw new ParserException(e[error]);
  * Determin is character c is a delimiter symbol
  * @param c
  * @return
 private boolean isDelimiter(char c){
  if((" +-/*%^=()".indexOf(c) != -1)){
   return true;
  return false;

 public static void main(String arg[]){
  Parser parser = new Parser();
  try {
   System.out.println("Hello world " + parser.evaluate("10*10^2"));
  } catch (ParserException e) {


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