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Showing posts with the label code
Okay so I have posted a number of Linux kernel programming videos over at my YouTube channe , however I find that I need a place to post a sample code and the make file to build a module. So here it is. The Makefile obj-m := solidusmodule.o KERNEL_DIR = /lib/modules/3.2.0-25-generic/build PWD := $(shell pwd) all: $(MAKE) -C $(KERNEL_DIR) SUBDIRS=$(PWD) modules clean: rm -rf *.o *.ko *.mod.* *.symvers *.order *~ #include #include #include // file_operations structure- which of course allows use to open/close,read/write to device #include //this is a char driver; makes cdev available #include //used to access semaphores; sychronizatoin behaviors #include //copy_to_user;copy_from_user //(1) Create a structure for our fake device struct fake_device { char data[100]; struct semaphore sem; } virtual_device; //(2) To later register our device we need a cdev object and some other variables struct cdev *mcdev; //m stands 'my' int major_number;...

Please Support My Android Game

Hey everyone, I wrote a game for android called Space Cosmos Defender. Please check it out here  or just type "Space cosmos adventure" on your Google/Play market. Thank you all in advance. Here are some of the the screen-shots of my game. Main menu In game action More Action

NASM Programming

Many of you, if you are like me, might be interested in how assembly works.  You will be very surprised that assembly is very very easy, especially after you write a couple of simple programs.  But don't get me wrong, you will be frustrated at first, however that frustration, if you channel it right, will lead to serious life long learning and will give you a deeper appreciation of the beauty of assembly. For more tutorial on assembly and visualization of these information, visit my youtube channel . Okay so lets get started. We will be using Netwide Assembler (NASM) to write our program. The general format of NASM file is this: ;This is a comment SECTION .data ;declare variable here SECTION .bss ;declare actual, dynamic variable SECTION .text ;where your program code/assembly code lives ; Working with Data Section In your .data section, you can declare variables like this: nameOfVariable: db 32 ;this declares a variable names nameOfVariable...

C++ Interface

In this tutorial we will discuss interfaces in C++ and why one would be of benefit.  First off, an interface serves as a means to have a commonality of usage for varies objects.  What I mean by that is that say you have a class representing a basketball and a class that represents a soccer ball, it is understood that both are used for playing but how they are played with is different.  That difference of how they are used for playing is where interfaces come in. An Interface provides a common way of using a class of type basketball and a class of type soccer ball without having will being able to refer to each different object(basketball or soccer ball) with the same interface. Okay okay, this is confusing so let us take a couple of examples. Without an interface, to have an object of basketball and soccer ball perform the same behavior, playing, you could do this: class BasketBall{ public:      void play(){           cout ...